Top 5 things about our new home?
1. A washer/dryer. We had one our first 6 months of marriage, but the past 3 1/2 years we've loaded up on quarters or lugged our loads of dirty clothes over to hospitable friends' homes in search of clean laundry. So, needless to say, I'm excited about this.
2. Pittsburgh is a new city. Well... an old city, but it's new to us! So much history and art to explore, suburbs to check out, and a home to make.
3. Friends are never far off. There's a couple currently at seminary that we love, and a family that lives just 2 hours away that we are close to. Plus, we have the blessing of brothers and sisters in Christ where ever we are!
4. Joe the seminarian. My husband's been working towards this since before we met 5 years ago. Seminary has always been in the plan, the question was just always "when?". It's been on his heart, and fighting against it for things like money or insurance is denying God's call for him. So we're super-excited for him to start up in September.
5. God's will. I don't know what it is, or how certain things like lack of an income or health insurance will be provided. But I do know that God's will is awesome. That it is infinite, eternal, and unchangeable just like Him. And that "for those who love God all things work together for good for those who are called according to His purpose" (Romans 8:28).
I don't need to list the things we'll miss. Needless to say family and friends are the top 2. But God blessed us so heartily with both of these categories, that "goodbye" will be more like "see you later". Even if later is a year or two down the road (Lord willing it won't be).
So I just wanted to share my heart with you for now... Lord willing once things settle down, I'll try to be more regular with posting updates and such.
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