Friday 15 April 2011


My challenge, for myself really, is to take at least 1 picture everyday and if I can, post it on here. I've realized that I've never had my camera on me for great moments (like Judah's first trip to the Deanna Rose Farmstead- his face when he saw a chicken for the first time was priceless). I do have a camera on my phone, but it's not a quality camera. So... I need to fit my honking camera (if you've seen it, you'd know it's bulky) somehow into my already ginormous diaper bag. Maybe it is time to clean it out or upgrade to a backpack.

I'm super-excited about today. I get to see a friend today and take her to Pryde's (which I just found out about not that long ago) for pie, and I get a date night with my handsome tonight. PLUS old friends who moved away about a year ago (this June) are back in town this weekend. AND it's communion weekend! Praise the Lord for so many blessings at once! I hope ya'll are having a wonderful day!

O! And some helpful websites for you today. Many of you are the ones who introduced me to these coupon-clipping sites, so it might not be overly helpful to you:

1. Freebies4Mom- most helpful for online stuff. Like Shutterfly, Snapfish, etc. But I've found other freebies on there.

2. Penny Pinchin' Mom- learned about this one last night. Score!

3. Coupon Mom- you have to sign up for this one, but that's free to do and she has listed for you all the deals going on in both groceries, drugstores, etc. Really helpful.

That's all I've got, other than the store's coupons on their actual websites (Wal-Mart has a free sample page, etc.)

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